There shall be a National Service Scheme in the college. All trainee will have to participate in the programmers organized by the above. This scheme is meant for the students, where students learn by work in the society. The social works in the society of down trodden or the most poor community of the society where the rays of development is yet to reach, will help the trainees to know the life style of such people. They will share the sorrow and joy of such people by staying and working with them. Such habit will help them in future where they will go to remote areas.
The trainees will have to access the degree of development done in such community and the further work and help they need. Social work will help the trainees to come together with the people of weaken sections.


All the trainees will have to participate in the excursion tours organized by the B.Ed. college. The place of tours shall be either a historical place or some natural place. The students shall have to prepare a project report based on the observations made during the excursion tour. The project shall contain how the journey was completed, what was the outcome of the interaction of the trainees with local peoples or the persons who have come from the other parts to participate or visit the places. Finally, what message is obtained from the place must be revealed by the students in his concluding remarks.


There is well developed garden in the campus. All students will have to work here. They will learn about the soil, the organic compost, vermin compost, seasonal plantation of different plants of horticulture importance. All trainees will work and prepare a project related to the works carried by them. They will have to describe the soil type, the compost used and the seasons in which specific plants were planted. The project will be evaluated at the time of practical examination.


There will be a dress code for the students of B.Ed faculty. All students have to come in the uniform. No students will be allowed to enter the classes, theories or practical, if he or she is not in the uniform. A Blazer, bearing the monogram of the college shall be provided during the winter. Laminated identity card shall be provided to each students. All the students have to keep it with them all the time in the campus.
Behaviors of the students in the campus, breach of peace, discipline, use of any unparliamentarily words, misbehavior with the fellow students, misbehavior with the teachers or any staff will be watched continuously. Students found guilty will be expelled from the college and the or she will forfeit the claim of the money deposited in the form of fees. Therefore, trainees should have to maintain the peace, discipline in the campus. There should not be any kind of ragging practice in the campus.


Provisions have been made for indoors & outdoors games. Carroms, Chess, Table Tennis will be the items of indoors, while Badminton, Volley Ball, Football, Kabaddi, Cricket etc will be the items of the outdoor games. Participation in the games will be considered as an extra activities.


All students will have to take part in the above activities. The faculty will organize seminar, debate or quiz in which students will express their ideas and concept. That will also be evaluated.


Ten pioneer schools situated in the area within 5kms. from the college, have been selected where trainees will be provided teaching job and lesson. They will have to prepare a job report which will be duly certified by the Principal of the selected High Schools. The project will be evaluated at the time of practical examination.